This page "Sort Payments" is a page that shows you the total of rent payments made by tenants in different periods of time.
By Default it shows you the rent payments made today
However you can choose a specific period of time and see the rent payments made within that period of time.
The top buttons and their functionalities are;
-Daily Payments - When you click on this, it shows you a dropdown of Today, Yesterday etc and when you click on any of these it will show you the Rent Payments made on that day
-Monthly Payments - When you click on this button it will give you an option to choose a month and a year, click "Choose Month" (inside the field) and click on the month whose payments you want to see
Then click on Choose Year (inside the field) to choose the year where the month is located
The system sorts out and displays the payments made in that year in that month
-Quarterly Payments - This allows you to choose which quarter to and the year and the system will sort and display all payments in that quarter
-Yearly Payments - This also happens when you click Yearly Payments. You choose a Year and the System displays all payments made in that year